Element |
Item description |
Obligation |
receivingAdviceYear |
Receiving advice year |
Yes |
receivingAdviceBook |
Receiving advice book |
Yes |
receivingAdviceNumber |
Receiving advice number |
Yes |
Element |
Item description |
<ReceivingAdviceHeader> |
+<ReceivingAdviceYear> |
Receiving advice year |
+<ReceivingAdviceBook> |
Receiving advice book |
+<ReceivingAdvice> |
Receiving advice |
+<ReceivingDate> |
Receiving date |
+<SupplierID> |
Supplier ID |
+<Document> |
Document |
+<CostCenterID> |
Cost center ID |
+<CostUnitID> |
Cost unit ID |
+<ClerkID> |
Clerk ID |
+<WorkOrderID> |
Work order ID |
+<AnalyticID> |
Analytic ID |
+<PostingDate> |
Posting date |
+<PostingDocument> |
Posting document |
+<PostingFootNote> |
Posting foot note |
+<CurrencyID> |
Currency ID |
+<RebatePercentage> |
Rebate percentage |
+<OrderedByID> |
Ordered by ID |
+<DocumentHeaderDescription> |
Document header description |
+<DocumentFooterDescription> |
Document footer description |
+<Note> |
Note |
+<InsertedBy> |
Inserted by |
+<InsertedTime> |
Inserted time |
+<ModifiedBy> |
Modified by |
+<ModifiedTime> |
Modified time |
+<SupplierClerkID> |
Supplier clerk ID |
+<SearchKeySeq> |
Search key seq |
+<PriceListID> |
Price list ID |
+<DocumentTypeId_MSP> |
Document type id MSP |
+<WarehouseID> |
Warehouse ID |
+<LanguageID> |
Language ID |
+<NetAmountOrdered> |
Net amount ordered |
+<GrossAmountOrdered> |
Gross amount ordered |
+<RebateAmountOrdered> |
Rebate amount ordered |
+<DiscountAmountOrdered> |
Discount amount ordered |
+<NetAmountReceived> |
Net amount received |
+<GrossAmountReceived> |
Gross amount received |
+<RebateAmountReceived> |
Rebate amount received |
+<DiscountAmountReceived> |
Discount amount received |
+<ScheduledPaymentDate> |
Scheduled payment date |
+<DeliveryType> |
Delivery type |
+<ParityCode> |
Parity code |
+<ExchangeRate> |
Exchange rate |
+<SignedRecvInvoiceDate> |
Signed recv invoice date |
+<AttachmentOriginal> |
Attachment original |
+<DiscountGroupID> |
Discount group ID |
+<CommissionStatus> |
Commission status |
+<TransferKM> |
Transfer KM |
+<Analytic_AN1_ID> |
Analytic AN1 ID |
+<Analytic_AN2_ID> |
Analytic AN2 ID |
+<Analytic_AN3_ID> |
Analytic AN3 ID |
+<BinderID> |
Binder ID |
+<ReceivingAdviceLines> |
++<ReceivingAdviceLine> |
+++<ReceivingAdviceLineDetail> |
Receiving advice line detail |
+++<LineNumber> |
Line number |
+++<ItemID> |
Item ID |
+++<ItemIDType> |
Item ID type |
+++<Series> |
Series |
+++<ReceivedQuantity> |
Received quantity |
+++<Price> |
Price |
+++<QuantitySupplierUOM> |
Quantity supplier UOM |
+++<SupplierUOM> |
Supplier UOM |
+++<ConvertFactor> |
Convert factor |
+++<ItemIdSupplier> |
Item id supplier |
+++<ItemTitle1Supplier> |
Item title1 supplier |
+++<ItemTitle2Supplier> |
Item title2 supplier |
+++<PriceSupplier> |
Price supplier |
+++<Description> |
Description |
+++<CostCenterID> |
Cost center ID |
+++<CostUnitID> |
Cost unit ID |
+++<ClerkID> |
Clerk ID |
+++<WorkOrderID> |
Work order ID |
+++<AnalyticID> |
Analytic ID |
+++<Note> |
Note |
+++<InsertedBy> |
Inserted by |
+++<InsertedTime> |
Inserted time |
+++<ModifiedBy> |
Modified by |
+++<ModifiedTime> |
Modified time |
+++<ItemEAN> |
Item EAN |
+++<AlternateEAN> |
Alternate EAN |
+++<AlternateUnitOfMeasurment> |
Alternate unit of measurment |
+++<AlternateConvertFactor> |
Alternate convert factor |
+++<AlternateQuantity> |
Alternate quantity |
+++<UnitForPriceSupplier> |
Unit for price supplier |
+++<UnitForPriceSupplierDE> |
Unit for price supplier DE |
+++<UnitForPriceOrdered> |
Unit for price ordered |
+++<UnitForPriceSupplierOrderedDE> |
Unit for price supplier ordered DE |
+++<ItemTitle1> |
Item title1 |
+++<ItemTitle2> |
Item title2 |
+++<AmountOrdered> |
Amount ordered |
+++<AmountSupplier> |
Amount supplier |
+++<UnitOfMeasurment> |
Unit of measurment |
+++<ItemComparisonCode> |
Item comparison code |
+++<DimensionQuantity> |
Dimension quantity |
+++<DimensionLenght> |
Dimension lenght |
+++<DimensionWidth> |
Dimension width |
+++<DimensionHeight> |
Dimension height |
+++<NetAmountOdreder> |
Net amount odreder |
+++<NetAmountSupplier> |
Net amount supplier |
+++<GrossAmountOrdered> |
Gross amount ordered |
+++<GrossAmountSupplier> |
Gross amount supplier |
+++<DiscountPercentage> |
Discount percentage |
+++<DiscountPercentage2> |
Discount percentage2 |
+++<DiscountPercentage3> |
Discount percentage3 |
+++<DiscountPercentage4> |
Discount percentage4 |
+++<DiscountPercentage5> |
Discount percentage5 |
+++<TextLine> |
Text line |
+++<PriceListIDProposed> |
Price list ID proposed |
+++<PriceProposed> |
Price proposed |
+++<PriceProposedSupplier> |
Price proposed supplier |
+++<NumberOfPackages> |
Number of packages |
Za prodajne informacij pokličite na 080 13 20 ali pišite na info@saop.si.
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