Element |
Item description |
Obligation |
<TravelOrders> |
+<TravelOrder> |
++<TravelOrderYear> |
Travel order year |
++<TravelOrderNumber> |
Travel order number |
++<CustomerID> |
Customer ID |
++<CostCenterID> |
Cost center ID |
++<CostDriverID> |
Cost driver ID |
++<ClercID> |
Clerc ID |
++<WorkOrder> |
Work order |
++<IssueDate> |
Issue date |
++<EmployeeID> |
Employee ID |
++<EmployeeName> |
Employee name |
++<IssuerID> |
Issuer ID |
++<IssuerName> |
Issuer name |
++<ItineraryID> |
Itinerary ID |
++<ItineraryName> |
Itinerary name |
++<TaskID> |
Task ID |
++<TaskName> |
Task name |
++<EstimatedDepartureTime> |
Estimated departure time |
++<EstimatedArrivalTime> |
Estimated arrival time |
++<AuthorizedUseOf> |
Authorized use of |
++<VehicleID> |
Vehicle ID |
++<RequesterID> |
Requester ID |
++<RequesterName> |
Requester name |
++<ActualDepartureTime> |
Actual departure time |
++<ActualArrivalTime> |
Actual arrival time |
++<AdvanceDate> |
Advance date |
++<BillingDate> |
Billing date |
++<AdvanceAmount> |
Advance amount |
++<BilledAmount> |
Billed amount |
++<TransferToDKDate> |
Transfer to DK date |
++<Footnote> |
Footnote |
++<AdditionalDescription> |
Additional description |
++<AnnexDescription> |
Annex description |
++<OtherDescription> |
Other description |
++<PlateNumberProposal> |
Plate number proposal |
++<PlateNumberApproved> |
Plate number approved |
++<EstimatedKM> |
Estimated KM |
++<AllowanceAmount> |
Allowance amount |
++<SpecialAllowance> |
Special allowance |
++<TOType> |
TO type |
++<TripReport> |
Trip report |
++<ApprovedVehicleID> |
Approved vehicle ID |
++<ItineraryDescription> |
Itinerary description |
++<DepartureKMReading> |
Departure KM reading |
++<ArrivalKMReading> |
Arrival KM reading |
++<BillingByID> |
Billing by ID |
++<PaymentApprovedByID> |
Payment approved by ID |
++<TransferToOPZDate> |
Transfer to OPZ date |
++<EventStartDate> |
Event start date |
++<EventEndDate> |
Event end date |
++<CostID> |
Cost ID |
++<CurrencyID> |
Currency ID |
++<CancellationDate> |
Cancellation date |
++<HomeCurrencyID> |
Home currency ID |
++<MonthlyOrder> |
Monthly order |
++<MonthOrder> |
Month order |
++<RegulationAmount> |
Regulation amount |
++<Attachment> |
Attachment |
++<TransferToEPDate> |
Transfer to EP date |
++<EducationID> |
Education ID |
++<ExamID> |
Exam ID |
++<TransferToPPDate> |
Transfer to PP date |
++<TransferToEKDate> |
Transfer to EK date |
++<KMCostID> |
KM cost ID |
++<TransferToREKDate> |
Transfer to REK date |
++<Analytics1ID> |
Analytics1ID |
++<Analytics2ID> |
Analytics2ID |
++<Analytics3ID> |
Analytics3ID |
++<StatusID> |
Status ID |
++<BillingDocID> |
Billing doc ID |
++<AnnexDocID> |
Annex doc ID |
++<TypeID> |
Type ID |
++<AdvancePayment> |
Advance payment |
++<RejectionDate> |
Rejection date |
++<SpecimenID> |
Specimen ID |
++<ApprovalClercID> |
Approval clerc ID |
++<ApprovalAdminID> |
Approval admin ID |
++<ApprovedTemplate> |
Approved template |
++<ApprovedBilling> |
Approved billing |
++<ApprovedAdvance> |
Approved advance |
The output is a .xml file in which it is stated, if the method is successful or not.
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