Element |
Item description |
Obligation |
<ProformaInvoiceHeader> |
+<ProformaInvoiceYear> |
Proforma invoice year |
+<ProformaInvoiceBook> |
Proforma invoice book |
+<ProformaInvoiceNumber> |
Proforma invoice number |
+<CustomerID> |
Customer ID |
+<CustomerTitle1> |
Customer title1 |
+<CustomerTitle2> |
Customer title2 |
+<CustomerTitle3> |
Customer title3 |
+<CustomerAddress> |
Customer address |
+<CustomerHouseNo> |
Customer house no |
+<CustomerPostalCode> |
Customer postal code |
+<CustomerCity> |
Customer city |
+<CustomerCountry> |
Customer country |
+<CustomerTaxNumber> |
Customer tax number |
+<CustomerShopID> |
Customer shop ID |
+<CustomerPayerID> |
Customer payer ID |
+<PayerTitle1> |
Payer title1 |
+<PayerTitle2> |
Payer title2 |
+<PayerTitle3> |
Payer title3 |
+<PayerAddress> |
Payer address |
+<PayerHouseNo> |
Payer house no |
+<PayerPostalCode> |
Payer postal code |
+<PayerCity> |
Payer city |
+<PayerCountry> |
Payer country |
+<PayerTaxNumber> |
Payer tax number |
+<DeliveryTitle1> |
Delivery title1 |
+<DeliveryTitle2> |
Delivery title2 |
+<DeliveryTitle3> |
Delivery title3 |
+<DeliveryAddress> |
Delivery address |
+<DeliveryHouseNo> |
Delivery house no |
+<DeliveryPostalCode> |
Delivery postal code |
+<DeliveryCity> |
Delivery city |
+<DeliveryCountry> |
Delivery country |
+<InvoiceDate> |
Invoice date |
+<DeliveryDateFrom> |
Delivery date from |
+<DeliveryDateTo> |
Delivery date to |
+<DueDate> |
Due date |
+<PaymentReference> |
Payment reference |
+<CurrencyID> |
Currency ID |
+<ExchangeRate> |
Exchange rate |
+<ExchangeRateDate> |
Exchange rate date |
+<ExchangeRateID> |
Exchange rate ID |
+<Document> |
Document |
+<Comment> |
Comment |
+<DocumentHeaderDescription> |
Document header description |
+<DocumentFooterDescription> |
Document footer description |
+<LanguageID> |
Language ID |
+<VATCalculated> |
VAT calculated |
+<VATInvoiceType> |
VAT invoice type |
+<StatusDescription> |
Status description |
+<StatusDate> |
Status date |
+<DocumentStateDescription> |
Document state description |
+<PriceListID> |
Price list ID |
+<RebatePercentage> |
Rebate percentage |
+<RebatePercentage2> |
Rebate percentage2 |
+<RebatePercentage3> |
Rebate percentage3 |
+<RebatePercentage4> |
Rebate percentage4 |
+<RebatePercentage5> |
Rebate percentage5 |
+<RebateAmountAmount> |
Rebate amount amount |
+<GrossAmount> |
Gross amount |
+<RebateAmount> |
Rebate amount |
+<DiscountAmount> |
Discount amount |
+<NetAmount> |
Net amount |
+<VATAmount> |
VAT amount |
+<RoundingAmount> |
Rounding amount |
+<PaymentAmount> |
Payment amount |
+<NetAmountLC> |
Net amount LC |
+<VATAmountLC> |
VAT amount LC |
+<PaymentAmountLC> |
Payment amount LC |
+<AdvancePaymentAmount> |
Advance payment amount |
+<VATAdvancePaymentAmount> |
VAT advance payment amount |
+<RoundingAdvancePaymentAmount> |
Rounding advance payment amount |
+<PaymentAdvancePaymentAmount> |
Payment advance payment amount |
+<AdvancePaymentAmountLC> |
Advance payment amount LC |
+<VATAdvancePaymentAmountLC> |
VAT advance payment amount LC |
+<PaymentAdvancePaymentAmountLC> |
Payment advance payment amount LC |
+<CostCenterID> |
Cost center ID |
+<CostUnitID> |
Cost unit ID |
+<WorkOrderID> |
Work order ID |
+<ClerkID> |
Clerk ID |
+<AnalyticID> |
Analytic ID |
+<AccountingBookGroupID> |
Accounting book group ID |
+<ApplicationName> |
Application name |
+<LinkToDocument> |
Link to document |
+<AccountingDescription> |
Accounting description |
+<InstallmentPayment> |
Installment payment |
+<NumberOfInstallmentPayments> |
Number of installment payments |
+<AlternateVATNumber> |
Alternate VAT number |
+<CustomerClerkName> |
Customer clerk name |
+<CustomerClerkID> |
Customer clerk ID |
+<DeliveryType> |
Delivery type |
+<DeliveryPlace> |
Delivery place |
+<ParityCode> |
Parity code |
+<PaymentCodeID> |
Payment code ID |
+<ParityPlace> |
Parity place |
+<DocumentSalesType> |
Document sales type |
+<Analytic_AN1_ID> |
Analytic AN1 ID |
+<Analytic_AN2_ID> |
Analytic AN2 ID |
+<Analytic_AN3_ID> |
Analytic AN3 ID |
+<DateVD> |
Date VD |
+<CodeVD> |
Code VD |
+<CodeVR> |
Code VR |
+<DiscountGroupID> |
Discount group ID |
+<AttachmentID> |
Attachment ID |
+<eInvoiceAttachmentID> |
E invoice attachment ID |
+<AnnexID> |
Annex ID |
+<FolderID> |
Folder ID |
+<PaymentReferenceExternal> |
Payment reference external |
+<DPR_InvoiceNo> |
DPR invoice no |
+<InsertedBy> |
Inserted by |
+<InsertedTime> |
Inserted time |
+<ModifiedBy> |
Modified by |
+<ModifiedTime> |
Modified time |
+<ProformaInvoiceLines> |
++<ProformaInvoiceLine> |
+++<LineNumber> |
Line number |
+++<ItemID> |
Item ID |
+++<ItemIDType> |
Item ID type |
+++<Quantity> |
Quantity |
+++<ItemBarCode> |
Item bar code |
+++<AlternateBarCode> |
Alternate bar code |
+++<AlternateQuantity> |
Alternate quantity |
+++<AlternateConvertFactor> |
Alternate convert factor |
+++<AlternateUnitOfMeasurement> |
Alternate unit of measurement |
+++<Price> |
Price |
+++<PriceWithVAT> |
Price with VAT |
+++<Series> |
Series |
+++<ItemTitle1> |
Item title1 |
+++<ItemTitle2> |
Item title2 |
+++<UnitOfMeasurment> |
Unit of measurment |
+++<ItemDescription> |
Item description |
+++<VATRateID> |
VAT rate ID |
+++<VATRatePercentage> |
VAT rate percentage |
+++<Note> |
Note |
+++<DiscountPercentage> |
Discount percentage |
+++<DiscountPercentage2> |
Discount percentage2 |
+++<DiscountPercentage3> |
Discount percentage3 |
+++<DiscountPercentage4> |
Discount percentage4 |
+++<DiscountPercentage5> |
Discount percentage5 |
+++<DiscountAmountAmount> |
Discount amount amount |
+++<GrossAmount> |
Gross amount |
+++<RabateAmount> |
Rabate amount |
+++<RabateAmountAmount> |
Rabate amount amount |
+++<InetrmediateAmount> |
Inetrmediate amount |
+++<DiscountAmount> |
Discount amount |
+++<NetAmount> |
Net amount |
+++<VATAmount> |
VAT amount |
+++<NetAmountLC> |
Net amount LC |
+++<VATAmountLC> |
VAT amount LC |
+++<EnvironmentalTaxAmount> |
Environmental tax amount |
+++<EnvironmentalTaxAmount_2> |
Environmental tax amount 2 |
+++<CostCenterID> |
Cost center ID |
+++<CostUnitID> |
Cost unit ID |
+++<WorkOrderID> |
Work order ID |
+++<ClerkID> |
Clerk ID |
+++<AnalyticID> |
Analytic ID |
+++<Analytic_AN1_ID> |
Analytic AN1 ID |
+++<Analytic_AN2_ID> |
Analytic AN2 ID |
+++<Analytic_AN3_ID> |
Analytic AN3 ID |
+++<VATRateDescription> |
VAT rate description |
+++<VATCalculated> |
VAT calculated |
+++<VATInvoiceType> |
VAT invoice type |
+++<Reference> |
Reference |
+++<TextLine> |
Text line |
+++<InsertedBy> |
Inserted by |
+++<InsertedTime> |
Inserted time |
+++<ModifiedBy> |
Modified by |
+++<ModifiedTime> |
Modified time |
The output is a .xml file in which it is stated, if the method is successful or not.
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