Available modules |
Description |
Gets accounting book group by ID. |
<Analytic> |
Gets analytics by ID. |
Gets code list of analytics1. |
Gets code list of analytics2. |
Gets code list of analytics3. |
Gets single bank account by costumer code and costumer bank code. |
<Cashier> |
Gets cashier by ID. |
<CashOperation> | Adds cash a operation. |
<Clerk> |
Gets clerk by ID. |
Gets list of customer commercial terms. Gets list of customers item group discounts comercial terms. Gets list of item comercial terms. |
Gets list of contact types. | |
Gets cost center by ID. |
<CostUnit> |
Gets cost unit by ID. |
<Country> |
Gets country by ID. |
<Currency> |
Gets currency by ID. |
<Customer> |
Gets code of customer. |
Gets discount group by ID. |
Gets dispatch advice by ID. |
<Document> |
Gets list of documents. |
<Employee> |
Adds employee. |
Adds employee bonus. |
Adds employee payroll row. |
Adds employee salary base. |
Gets exchange rate by ID. |
Adds incoming invoice. |
Gets incoming invoice books by incoming invoice book ID. |
Adds incoming invoice delivery note. |
Gets incoming invoice posting groups by posting group ID. |
<Inventory> |
Adds inventory. |
<Invoice> |
Adds invoice. |
Gets invoice books by invoice book ID. |
<Item> |
Gets items. |
<Journal> |
Adds journal. |
Gets journal types by journal type ID. |
Gets ledger accounts by ledger accounts ID. |
Gets modul general settings. | |
<Order> |
Adds a new order. |
Gets order books by order book ID. |
Gets payment code by payment code ID. |
Gets payment purposes by payment purpose ID. |
<PayrollLedger> | Gets payroll runs. Gets payroll ledger. Gets payroll payments ledger. |
Gets postal codes by country ID and postal code ID. |
<PreReceipt> | Adds Pre-receipt. Gets year, book and number of Pre-receipt. |
<Price> |
Gets price by price list date, price list ID and item code. |
Gets price lists by price list ID. |
<ProformaInvoice> | |
Adds purchase order. |
Adds receiving advice. |
Gets shipping methods by shipping method ID. |
<Shops> |
Gets shops by shop ID. |
<Stock> |
Gets stocks. |
Adds supported family member. |
<TehnologicalProcess> |
Gets tehnological process. |
Adds travel orders. |
Adds travel order advances. |
Adds travel orders billing. |
Gets travel order itineraries. |
Gets travel order tasks. |
Gets turnover types by turnover type ID. |
<VatRate> |
Gets VAT rates by VAT rate ID. |
Gets warehouse by warehouse ID. |
Gets ware house groups by ware house group ID. |
<WorkOrder> |
Gets work order tehnological operations. |
<WorkPlace> |
Gets production workplace. |
<WorkStation> |
Gets production work station. |
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