Element |
Item description |
Obligation |
<IncomingInvoice> |
+<IncomingInvoiceHeader> |
++<BookID> |
Incoming invoice book ID. |
Yes |
++<Year> |
Invoice year. |
Yes |
++<InvoiceID> |
SAOP-e sequential invoice number. If value doesn't exist in XML is added from max(InvoiceNumber) +1. |
No |
++<VendorInvoiceNumber> |
Vendor invoice number (original invoice number) |
Yes |
++<SupplierID> |
Supplier ID. Inputted ID must exist in iCenter. |
Yes |
++<VATIdentificationNumber> |
VAT identification number. If value doesn't exists is added from iCenter for considered SupplierID. |
No |
++<BankAccountName> |
Bank account name. If value doesn't exists is added from iCenter for considered SupplierID. |
No |
++<BankCustomerID> |
Bank customer ID. If value doesn't exists is added from iCenter for considered SupplierID. |
No |
++<DocumentReceivedDate> |
Document received date. If value doesn't exists is added current system date. |
No |
++<InvoiceDate> |
Invoice date. |
Yes |
++<DeliveryDate> |
Delivery date. |
Yes |
++<DueDate> |
Due date. |
No |
++<InvoiceAmountOriginalCurrency> |
Invoice amount original currency |
Yes |
++<Currency> |
Currency |
Yes |
++<InvoiceAmountDomesticCurrency> |
Invoice amount domestic currency. If value doesn't exists is calculated from existing iCenter exchange rate. |
No |
++<ModelOfControl> |
Model of control |
No |
++<PaymentReference> |
Payment reference |
No |
++<Analytics> |
No |
+++<CostCenterID> |
Cost center ID. Inputted ID must exist in iCenter. |
No |
+++<CostDriverID> |
Cost driver ID. Inputted ID must exist in iCenter. |
No |
+++<ClerkID> |
Clerk ID. Inputted ID must exist in iCenter. |
No |
+++<WorkOrderID> |
Work order ID. |
No |
+++<Analytic_AN1_ID> |
Analytic AN1 ID. Inputted ID must exist in iCenter. |
No |
+++<Analytic_AN2_ID> |
Analytic AN2 ID. Inputted ID must exist in iCenter. |
No |
+++<Analytic_AN3_ID> |
Analytic AN3 ID. Inputted ID must exist in iCenter. |
No |
++<InvoiceNote> |
Invoice note. |
No |
++<UJPEinvoiceID> |
UJP einvoice ID. |
No |
++<InvoiceAttachment1ID> |
Invoice attachment1 ID. Document image. Inputted document ID must already exists in iCenter documentation system. |
No |
++<InvoiceAttachment2ID> |
Invoice attachment2 ID. Attachment image. Inputted document ID must already exists in iCenter documentation system. |
No |
+<JournalEntry> |
No |
++<JournalEntryDescription> |
Journal entry description. If value doesn't exists in XML is added from iCenter settings if they are entered otherwise it's empty. |
No |
++<PostingGroupID> |
Posting group ID. Inputted posting group ID must exists in iCenter. In case of empty input it will be used default value from iCenter. |
Yes |
++<JournalEntryLines> |
No |
+++<JournalEntryLine> |
No |
++++<JournalLineID> |
Journal line ID. Line sequential number. If value doesn't exist in XML is added from max(LineNumber) +1. |
No |
++++<AccountID> |
Account ID. Inputted ID must exist in iCenter. |
No |
++++<Analytics> |
No |
+++++<CostCenterID> |
Cost center ID. Inputted ID must exist in iCenter. |
No |
+++++<CostDriverID> |
Cost driver ID. Inputted ID must exist in iCenter. |
No |
+++++<ClerkID> |
Clerk ID. Inputted ID must exist in iCenter. |
No |
+++++<WorkOrderID> |
Work order ID. Inputted ID must exist in iCenter. |
No |
+++++<Analytic_AN1_ID> |
Analytic AN1 ID. Inputted ID must exist in iCenter. |
No |
+++++<Analytic_AN2_ID> |
Analytic AN2 ID. Inputted ID must exist in iCenter. |
No |
+++++<Analytic_AN3_ID> |
Analytic AN3 ID. Inputted ID must exist in iCenter. |
No |
++++<DebitAmount> |
Debit amount |
No |
++++<CreditAmount> |
Credit amount |
No |
++++<JournalEntryLineDescription> |
Journal entry line description. In case of empty input it will be used default value from iCenter. |
No |
++++<VAT> |
No |
+++++<VATLineID> |
VAT line ID. Line sequential number. If value doesn't exist in XML is added from max(LineNumber) +1. |
No |
+++++<VATBookID> |
VAT book ID. Obligatory in case of inputting VAT. Inputted ID must exist in iCenter. |
No |
+++++<VATTypeID> |
VAT type ID. Obligatory in case of inputting VAT. Inputted ID must exist in iCenter. |
No |
+++++<VATRateID> |
VAT rate ID. Obligatory in case of inputting VAT. Inputted ID must exist in iCenter. |
No |
+++++<DeductibleVATProportionID> |
Deductible VAT proportion ID. Obligatory in case of inputting VAT. Inputted ID must exist in iCenter. |
No |
+++++<VATBase> |
VAT base |
No |
+++++<VATAmount> |
VAT amount |
No |
+++++<NonDeductibleVAT> |
Non deductible VAT |
No |
+++++<Prepayment> |
Prepayment |
No |
The output is a .xml file in which it is stated, if the method is successful or not.
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Bodite na tekočem. Poslovna obvestila in nasveti s področja zakonodaje ter nasveti za delo s produktom SAOP iCenter.
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