Element |
Item description |
Obligation |
apiClientID |
API client ID |
folderID |
Folder ID |
Element |
Item description |
<ArrayOfDocumentDetail> |
+<DocumentDetail> |
++<IDDocument> |
ID document |
++<EntityType> |
Entity type |
++<DocumentTypeCode> |
Document type code |
++<DocumentTypeName> |
Document type name |
++<EntityCodeListNumber> |
Entity code list number |
++<OrganisationID> |
Organisation ID |
++<EntityCode> |
Entity code |
++<DocumentName> |
Document name |
++<DocumentDescription> |
Document description |
++<Subject> |
Subject |
++<Author> |
Author |
++<Leader> |
Leader |
++<Company> |
Company |
++<Type> |
Type |
++<KeyWords> |
Key words |
++<DocumentCreationDate> |
Document creation date |
++<Aplication> |
Aplication |
++<Comment> |
Comment |
++<User> |
User |
++<PosterID> |
Poster ID |
++<DocumentAddTime> |
Document add time |
++<ChangerID> |
Changer ID |
++<DocumentChangeTime> |
Document change time |
++<Version> |
Version |
++<DocumentStatus> |
Document status |
++<DocumentStatusDescription> |
Document status description |
++<ComputerName> |
Computer name |
++<Size> |
Size |
++<zlib> |
Zlib |
++<Envelope> |
Envelope |
++<NumberOfSignatures> |
Number of signatures |
++<ExpirationDate> |
Expiration date |
++<Signature> |
Signature |
++<SignatureReason> |
Signature reason |
++<ArchiveCode> |
Archive code |
++<ArchiveName> |
Archive name |
++<ArchiveStatus> |
Archive status |
++<Permission> |
Permission |
++<EntityName> |
Entity name |
++<ArchivationTime> |
Archivation time |
++<NumberOfAttachments> |
Number of attachments |
++<Coded> |
Coded |
++<BusinessYear> |
Business year |
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