Element |
Item description |
Obligation |
purchaseorderYear |
Purchase order year |
Yes |
purchaseorderBook |
Purchase order book |
Yes |
purchaseorderNumber |
Purchase order number |
Yes |
Element |
Item description |
<PurchaseOrderHeader> |
+<PurchaseOrderYear> |
Purchase order year |
+<PurchaseOrderBook> |
Purchase order book |
+<PurchaseOrderNumber> |
Purchase order number |
+<SupplierID> |
Supplier ID |
+<CustomerID> |
Customer ID |
+<Status> |
Status |
+<Document> |
Document |
+<OrderDate> |
Order date |
+<CostUnitID> |
Cost unit ID |
+<CostCenterID> |
Cost center ID |
+<ClerkID> |
Clerk ID |
+<WorkOrderID> |
Work order ID |
+<AnalyticID> |
Analytic ID |
+<AnalyticAN1ID> |
Analytic AN1 ID |
+<AnalyticAN2ID> |
Analytic AN2 ID |
+<AnalyticAN3ID> |
Analytic AN3 ID |
+<NetAmountOrder> |
Net amount order |
+<GrossAmountOrder> |
Gross amount order |
+<RebateAmountOrder> |
Rebate amount order |
+<DiscountAmountOrder> |
Discount amount order |
+<NetAmountOrderSupplier> |
Net amount order supplier |
+<GrossAmountOrderSupplier> |
Gross amount order supplier |
+<RebateAmountOrderSupplier> |
Rebate amount order supplier |
+<DiscountAmountOrderSupplier> |
Discount amount order supplier |
+<DocumentState> |
Document state |
+<DocumentStateDescription> |
Document state description |
+<ForeseenDeliveryDate> |
Foreseen delivery date |
+<SentDate> |
Sent date |
+<SentDocument> |
Sent document |
+<SentAttachment> |
Sent attachment |
+<PickedDateFirst> |
Picked date first |
+<PickedDateLast> |
Picked date last |
+<PickedNote> |
Picked note |
+<ClosedDate> |
Closed date |
+<ClosedNote> |
Closed note |
+<CanceledDate> |
Canceled date |
+<CanceledNote> |
Canceled note |
+<CurrencyID> |
Currency ID |
+<RebatePercentage> |
Rebate percentage |
+<NoteHeader> |
Note header |
+<NoteFooter> |
Note footer |
+<Note> |
Note |
+<ClerkIDSupplier> |
Clerk ID supplier |
+<SearchKeySeqence> |
Search key seqence |
+<PriceListID> |
Price list ID |
+<WHType2ID> |
WH type2ID |
+<WarehouseID> |
Warehouse ID |
+<LanguageID> |
Language ID |
+<EstimatedpayDate> |
Estimatedpay date |
+<DeliveryType> |
Delivery type |
+<ParityCode> |
Parity code |
+<IwareDate> |
Iware date |
+<ExchangeRateID> |
Exchange rate ID |
+<SignedPRACDate> |
Signed PRAC date |
+<AttachmentOriginal> |
Attachment original |
+<ApprovingStatus> |
Approving status |
+<DiscountGroupID> |
Discount group ID |
+<IDFolder> |
ID folder |
+<ApprovingDocument> |
Approving document |
+<InsertedBy> |
Inserted by |
+<InsertedTime> |
Inserted time |
+<ModifiedBy> |
Modified by |
+<ModifiedTime> |
Modified time |
+<ApprovedState> |
Approved state |
+<ApprovedStateDescription> |
Approved state description |
+<ApprovedDate> |
Approved date |
+<ApprovedNote> |
Approved note |
+<ApprovedDeliveryDate> |
Approved delivery date |
+<PurchaseOrderLines> |
++<PurchaseOrderLine> |
+++<PurchaseOrderLineDetail> |
Purchase order line detail |
+++<LineSEQNumber> |
Line SEQ number |
+++<ItemID> |
Item ID |
+++<ItemIDType> |
Item ID type |
+++<OrderedQuantity> |
Ordered quantity |
+++<Price> |
Price |
+++<QuantitySupplier> |
Quantity supplier |
+++<UnitOfMeasureSupplier> |
Unit of measure supplier |
+++<PriceSupplier> |
Price supplier |
+++<DiscountPercentage> |
Discount percentage |
+++<ForeseenDeliveryDate> |
Foreseen delivery date |
+++<CostCenterID> |
Cost center ID |
+++<CostUnitID> |
Cost unit ID |
+++<ClerkID> |
Clerk ID |
+++<WorkOrderID> |
Work order ID |
+++<AnalyticID> |
Analytic ID |
+++<Note> |
Note |
+++<InsertedBy> |
Inserted by |
+++<InsertedTime> |
Inserted time |
+++<ModifiedBy> |
Modified by |
+++<ModifiedTime> |
Modified time |
+++<ItemIDSupplier> |
Item ID supplier |
+++<ItemTitle1Supplier> |
Item title1 supplier |
+++<ItemTitle2Supplier> |
Item title2 supplier |
+++<Description> |
Description |
+++<ItemEAN> |
Item EAN |
+++<AlternateEAN> |
Alternate EAN |
+++<AlternateUnitOfMeasure> |
Alternate unit of measure |
+++<AlternateConvertFactor> |
Alternate convert factor |
+++<AlternateQuantity> |
Alternate quantity |
+++<PricePerUnitSupplier> |
Price per unit supplier |
+++<PricePerUnitDDE> |
Price per unit DDE |
+++<PricePerUnitOrder> |
Price per unit order |
+++<PricePerUnitNDE> |
Price per unit NDE |
+++<ItemTitle1> |
Item title1 |
+++<ItemTitle2> |
Item title2 |
+++<Status> |
Status |
+++<IntermediateAmountOrdered> |
Intermediate amount ordered |
+++<IntermediateAmountSupplier> |
Intermediate amount supplier |
+++<UnitOfMeasure> |
Unit of measure |
+++<ItemComparisonCode> |
Item comparison code |
+++<DimensionQuantity> |
Dimension quantity |
+++<DimensionLenght> |
Dimension lenght |
+++<DimensionWidth> |
Dimension width |
+++<DimensionHeight> |
Dimension height |
+++<NetAmountOrdered> |
Net amount ordered |
+++<NetAmountSupplier> |
Net amount supplier |
+++<GrossAmountOrdered> |
Gross amount ordered |
+++<GrossAmountSupplier> |
Gross amount supplier |
+++<DiscountPercentage2> |
Discount percentage2 |
+++<DiscountPercentage3> |
Discount percentage3 |
+++<DiscountPercentage4> |
Discount percentage4 |
+++<DiscountPercentage5> |
Discount percentage5 |
+++<QuantityForTesting> |
Quantity for testing |
+++<CanceledLine> |
Canceled line |
+++<TextLine> |
Text line |
+++<PickedLine> |
Picked line |
+++<NumberOfPackages> |
Number of packages |
+++<OrderedQuantitySent> |
Ordered quantity sent |
+++<Series> |
Series |
+++<EstimatedSupplyDate> |
Estimated supply date |
+++<QuantitySupplierUOMSent> |
Quantity supplier UOM sent |
Za prodajne informacij pokličite na 080 13 20 ali pišite na info@saop.si.
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