Element |
Item description |
Obligation |
<PreReceiptHeader> |
+<PreReceiptYear> |
Pre receipt year |
+<PreReceiptBook> |
Pre receipt book |
+<PreReceiptNumber> |
Pre receipt number |
+<WarehouseID> |
Warehouse ID |
+<SupplierID> |
Supplier ID |
+<CostCenterID> |
Cost center ID |
+<CostUnitID> |
Cost unit ID |
+<ClerkID> |
Clerk ID |
+<WorkOrderID> |
Work order ID |
+<AnalyticID> |
Analytic ID |
+<PreReceiptDate> |
Pre receipt date |
+<Document> |
Document |
+<CurrencyID> |
Currency ID |
+<ExchangeRate> |
Exchange rate |
+<InvoiceAmount> |
Invoice amount |
+<RebatePercentage> |
Rebate percentage |
+<EntryFactorDC> |
Entry factor DC |
+<ForeignDCFactor> |
Foreign DC factor |
+<HomeDCFactor> |
Home DC factor |
+<Note> |
Note |
+<NoteHeader> |
Note header |
+<NoteFooter> |
Note footer |
+<Intrastat> |
Intrastat |
+<DispatchCountry> |
Dispatch country |
+<BusinessTypeCode> |
Business type code |
+<DeliveryTermsCode> |
Delivery terms code |
+<LocationCode> |
Location code |
+<TransportTypeCode> |
Transport type code |
+<FlatRateTax> |
Flat rate tax |
+<PaymentDate> |
Payment date |
+<IDFolder> |
ID folder |
+<InsertedBy> |
Inserted by |
+<InsertedTime> |
Inserted time |
+<ModifiedBy> |
Modified by |
+<ModifiedTime> |
Modified time |
+<Status> |
Status |
+<ReferenceModule> |
Reference module |
+<ReferenceYear> |
Reference year |
+<ReferenceBook> |
Reference book |
+<ReferenceNumber> |
Reference number |
+<StatusDate> |
Status date |
+<StatusDK> |
Status DK |
+<StatusDDV> |
Status DDV |
+<StatusPP> |
Status PP |
+<ContractYear> |
Contract year |
+<ContractNumber> |
Contract number |
+<PreReceiptLines> |
++<PreReceiptLine> |
+++<LineNumber> |
Line number |
+++<ItemID> |
Item ID |
+++<ItemIDType> |
Item ID type |
+++<Quantity> |
Quantity |
+++<InvoicedPrice> |
Invoiced price |
+++<QuantitySupplier> |
Quantity supplier |
+++<DiscountPercentage> |
Discount percentage |
+++<DiscountPercentage2> |
Discount percentage2 |
+++<DiscountPercentage3> |
Discount percentage3 |
+++<DiscountPercentage4> |
Discount percentage4 |
+++<DiscountPercentage5> |
Discount percentage5 |
+++<InvoicedValue> |
Invoiced value |
+++<DCPercentage> |
DC percentage |
+++<DCAmount> |
DC amount |
+++<PurchasePrice> |
Purchase price |
+++<SellingPrice> |
Selling price |
+++<PriceWithVAT> |
Price with VAT |
+++<WarehouseID> |
Warehouse ID |
+++<Series> |
Series |
+++<NumberOfPackage> |
Number of package |
+++<ItemWeightPerUnit> |
Item weight per unit |
+++<ItemVolumePerUnit> |
Item volume per unit |
+++<CodeCountryOrigin> |
Code country origin |
+++<AdditionalUMQuantity> |
Additional UM quantity |
+++<StatisticalValue> |
Statistical value |
+++<Note> |
Note |
+++<ItemDescription> |
Item description |
+++<InsertedBy> |
Inserted by |
+++<InsertedTime> |
Inserted time |
+++<ModifiedBy> |
Modified by |
+++<ModifiedTime> |
Modified time |
+<DependentCostsLines> |
++<DependentCostsLine> |
+++<DCLineNumber> |
DC Line number |
+++<DCCode> |
DC code |
+++<Description> |
Description |
+++<Label> |
Label |
+++<DCCustomerCode> |
DC customer code |
+++<AccountDC> |
Account DC |
+++<Amount> |
Amount |
+++<Note> |
Note |
+++<InsertedBy> |
Inserted by |
+++<InsertedTime> |
Inserted time |
+++<ModifiedBy> |
Modified by |
+++<ModifiedTime> |
Modified time |
The output is a .xml file in which it is stated, if the method is successful or not.
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