ModifyInvoice - method


Input is .xml file with following marks.


Item description






Invoice year



Invoice book



Invoice number



Payer ID



Payer title1



Payer title2



Payer title3



Payer address



Payer house no



Payer postal code



Payer city



Payer country



Payer tax number



Recipient ID



Recipient title1



Recipient title2



Recipient title3



Recipient address



Recipient house no



Recipient postal code



Recipient city



Recipient country



Recipient shop ID



Recipient tax number



Delivery title1



Delivery title2



Delivery title3



Delivery address



Delivery house no



Delivery postal code



Delivery city



Delivery country



Invoice date



Delivery date from



Delivery date to



Due date



Payment reference



Currency ID



Exchange rate date



Exchange rate



Exchange rate base



Exchange rate ID



Currency clause









Document header description



Document footer description



Language ID



VAT calculated



VAT invoice type



Distance sale



Assembling and installation



VAT non taxable deduction






Status date



Status lines



Price list ID



Rebate percentage



Rebate percentage2



Rebate percentage3



Rebate percentage4



Rebate percentage5



Gross amout



Discount amount



Rebate amount



Net amount



VAT amount



Rounding amount



Payment amount



Advance payment amount



VAT advance payment amount



Rounding advance payment amount


Payment advance payment amount


Rebate amount amount






Attachment original



Inserted by



Inserted time



Modified by



Modified time



Cost center ID



Cost unit ID



Work order ID



Clerk ID



Analytic ID



Accounting book group ID



Application name



Link to document



Accounting description



Installment payment



Number of installment payment



Cash transactions reference



Cash transactions ID



Tax number secondary



Customer clerk name



Customer clerk ID



Delivery type



Delivery place



Payment code ID



Environmental tax amount



Parity code



Parity place



Cash operation









Line number



Item code



Item EAN



Alternate unit of measurment



Alternate convert factor



Alternate quantity



Alternate EAN






Item title1



Item title2



Unit of measurment



Item description



VAT rate ID



VAT rate percent









Quantity additional UOM






Price with VAT



Units forprice



Discount percentage



Discount percentage2



Discount percentage3



Discount percentage4



Discount percentage5



Discount amount



Discount amount amount



Rebate amount



Rebate amount amount



VAT amount



Gross amout



Intermediate amount



Net amount



Cost center ID



Cost unit ID



Work order ID



Clerk ID



Analytic ID



Analytic AN1 ID



Analytic AN2 ID



Analytic AN3 ID



VAT calculated



VAT rate description



VAT invoice type



Distance sale



Assembling and installation



VAT non taxable deduction






Text line



Environmental tax amount



Environmental tax amount2



Inserted by



Inserted time



Modified by



Modified time






The output is a .xml file in which it is stated, if the method is successful or not.
