Element |
Item description |
Obligation |
orderYear |
Order year |
Yes |
orderBook |
Order book |
Yes |
orderNumber |
Order number |
Yes |
Element |
Item description |
<OrderHeader> |
+<OrderYear> |
Order year |
+<OrderBook> |
Order book |
+<OrderNumber> |
Order number |
+<WarehouseId> |
Warehouse ID |
+<CustomerId> |
Customer ID |
+<CustomerPayerId> |
Customer payer ID |
+<OrderDate> |
Order date |
+<ConfirmationDate> |
Confirmation date |
+<ConfirmationCustomerDate> |
Confirmation customer date |
+<DeliveryDate> |
Delivery date |
+<CustomerDeliveryDate> |
Customer delivery date |
+<OrderReference> |
Order reference |
+<QuotationNumber> |
Quotation number |
+<DeliveryAddress> |
Delivery address |
+<DeliveryMethod> |
Delivery method |
+<CostCenterId> |
Cost center ID |
+<CostUnitId> |
Cost unit ID |
+<ClerkId> |
Clerk ID |
+<WorkOrderId> |
Work order ID |
+<AnalyticId> |
Analytic ID |
+<AccountingBookGroupID> |
Accounting book group ID |
+<Analytic_AN1_ID> |
Analytic AN1 ID |
+<Analytic_AN2_ID> |
Analytic AN2 ID |
+<Analytic_AN3_ID> |
Analytic AN3 ID |
+<CustomerClerkID> |
Customer clerk ID |
+<OrderStatus> |
Order status |
+<OrderDetailsStatus> |
Order details status |
+<DocumentSalesType> |
Document sales type |
+<GrossAmount> |
Gross amount |
+<DiscountAmount> |
Discount amount |
+<RebateAmount> |
Rebate amount |
+<NetAmount> |
Net amount |
+<VATAmount> |
VAT amount |
+<PaymentAmount> |
Payment amount |
+<ReferenceDeliveryNote> |
Reference delivery note |
+<ReferenceWarehouseDocument> |
Reference warehouse document |
+<ReferenceBill> |
Reference bill |
+<ReferenceInvoice> |
Reference invoice |
+<Comment> |
Comment |
+<ParityCode> |
Parity code |
+<ParityPlace> |
Parity place |
+<OrderLines> |
++<OrderLine> |
+++<OrderLineNumber> |
Order line number |
+++<OrderLineSequence> |
Order line sequence |
+++<WarehouseId> |
Warehouse ID |
+++<ItemId> |
Item ID |
+++<SeriesId> |
Series ID |
+++<EANCode> |
EAN code |
+++<ItemComparisonCode> |
Item comparison code |
+++<ItemTitle1> |
Item title1 |
+++<ItemTitle2> |
Item title2 |
+++<ItemDescription> |
Item description |
+++<OrderedQTY> |
Ordered QTY |
+++<CustomerOrderedQTY> |
Customer ordered QTY |
+++<ShippedQTY> |
Shipped QTY |
+++<ReservedQTY> |
Reserved QTY |
+++<ReservedToDate> |
Reserved to date |
+++<UnitForPrice> |
Unit for price |
+++<UnitOfMeasure> |
Unit of measure |
+++<Price> |
Price |
+++<PriceWithVAT> |
Price with VAT |
+++<DiscountPercentage> |
Discount percentage |
+++<DiscountPercentage2> |
Discount percentage2 |
+++<DiscountPercentage3> |
Discount percentage3 |
+++<DiscountPercentage4> |
Discount percentage4 |
+++<DiscountPercentage5> |
Discount percentage5 |
+++<DeliveryDate> |
Delivery date |
+++<CostCenterId> |
Cost center ID |
+++<CostUnitId> |
Cost unit ID |
+++<ClerkId> |
Clerk ID |
+++<WorkOrderId> |
Work order ID |
+++<AnalyticId> |
Analytic ID |
+++<VATRateId> |
VAT rate ID |
+++<VATRatePercent> |
VAT rate percent |
+++<VATCalculated> |
VAT calculated |
+++<VATDescription> |
VAT description |
+++<VATInvoiceType> |
VAT invoice type |
+++<VAT_NonTaxable_Deduction> |
VAT non taxable deduction |
+++<_VAT_ProdajaNaDaljavo> |
VAT prodaja na daljavo |
+++<_VAT_Montaza> |
VAT montaza |
+++<Status> |
Status |
+++<TextLine> |
Text line |
+++<ClosedLine> |
Closed line |
+++<Note> |
Note |
+++<GrossAmout> |
Gross amout |
+++<IntermediateAmount> |
Intermediate amount |
+++<NetAmount> |
Net amount |
+++<VATAmount> |
VAT amount |
+++<DiscountAmount> |
Discount amount |
+++<RebatAmount> |
Rebat amount |
+++<InsUpdDate> |
Ins upd date |
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