Element |
Item description |
Obligation |
<TravelOrdersBilling> |
+<TravelOrderBilling> |
++<TravelOrderYear> |
Travel order year |
++<TravelOrderNumber> |
Travel order number |
++<ItemNumber> |
Item number |
++<EmployeeID> |
Employee ID |
++<CostID> |
Cost ID |
++<CostName> |
Cost name |
++<Quantity> |
Quantity |
++<CostAmount> |
Cost amount |
++<CurrencyID> |
Currency ID |
++<Amount> |
Amount |
++<AmountSit> |
Amount sit |
++<TransferToBPDate> |
Transfer to BP date |
++<ExchangeRateDate> |
Exchange rate date |
++<TransferToPP> |
Transfer to PP |
++<ReducedBreakfast> |
Reduced breakfast |
++<ReducedLunchDinner> |
Reduced lunch dinner |
++<ReducedOther> |
Reduced other |
++<ReducedMin> |
Reduced min |
++<ReducedLunchAndDinner> |
Reduced lunch and dinner |
++<ReducedDuration> |
Reduced duration |
++<ReducedMeals> |
Reduced meals |
++<TripDuration> |
Trip duration |
++<ProvidedMealsN> |
Provided meals N |
++<RegulationAmount> |
Regulation amount |
++<ForeignAllowanceID> |
Foreign allowance ID |
++<WorkOrder> |
Work order |
++<ClercID> |
Clerc ID |
++<CostCenterID> |
Cost center ID |
++<CostDriverID> |
Cost driver ID |
++<CustomerID> |
Customer ID |
++<Numbering> |
Numbering |
++<Analytics1ID> |
Analytics1 ID |
++<Analytics2ID> |
Analytics2 ID |
++<Analytics3ID> |
Analytics3 ID |
The output is a .xml file in which it is stated, if the method is successful or not.
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