Element |
Item description |
Obligation |
<Employees> |
+<Employee> |
++<EmployeeID> |
Employee ID |
++<Active> |
Active |
++<PayrollCalc> |
Payroll calc |
++<StatusID> |
Status ID |
++<FamilyName> |
Family name |
++<Name> |
Name |
++<DateOfBirth> |
Date of birth |
++<Gender> |
Gender |
++<EMSO> |
++<TaxNumber> |
Tax number |
++<PlaceOfBirth> |
Place of birth |
++<Citizenship> |
Citizenship |
++<AddrStreet> |
Addr street |
++<AddrTown> |
Addr town |
++<AddrZipCode> |
Addr zip code |
++<AddrCountryId> |
Addr country id |
++<AddrCounty> |
Addr county |
++<TempAddrStreet> |
Temp addr street |
++<TempAddrTown> |
Temp addr town |
++<TempAddrZipCode> |
Temp addr zip code |
++<TempAddrCountryId> |
Temp addr country id |
++<TempAddrCounty> |
Temp addr county |
++<DateBegEmp> |
Date beg emp |
++<DateEndEmp> |
Date end emp |
++<TrialPeriod> |
Trial period |
++<YOSInYearY> |
YOS in year Y |
++<YOSInYearM> |
YOS in year M |
++<YOSInYearD> |
YOS in year D |
++<YOSSameTradeY> |
YOS same trade Y |
++<YOSSameTradeM> |
YOS same trade M |
++<YOSSameTradeD> |
YOS same trade D |
++<YOSPastY> |
YOS past Y |
++<YOSPastM> |
YOS past M |
++<YOSPastD> |
YOS past D |
++<YOSBoughtY> |
YOS bought Y |
++<YOSBoughtM> |
YOS bought M |
++<YOSBoughtD> |
YOS bought D |
++<YOSCivilServiceY> |
YOS civil service Y |
++<YOSCivilServiceM> |
YOS civil service M |
++<YOSCivilServiceD> |
YOS civil service D |
++<YOSRecognizedY> |
YOS recognized Y |
++<YOSRecognizedM> |
YOS recognized M |
++<YOSRecognizedD> |
YOS recognized D |
++<YOSAbroadY> |
YOS abroad Y |
++<YOSAbroadM> |
YOS abroad M |
++<YOSAbroadD> |
YOS abroad D |
++<ZZRZIDisability> |
ZZRZI disability |
++<DisabilityAboveQuota> |
Disability above quota |
++<CollectiveAgreement> |
Collective agreement |
++<MainEmployment> |
Main employment |
++<DURSID> |
++<ZPIZID> |
++<TariffClass> |
Tariff class |
++<SalaryGrade> |
Salary grade |
++<DepartmentID> |
Department ID |
++<DepartmentOrgID> |
Department org ID |
++<JobPositionID> |
Job position ID |
++<HoursPerDay> |
Hours per day |
++<HoursPerWeek> |
Hours per week |
++<PayrollColectiveAgreement> |
Payroll colective agreement |
++<EmploymentPerc> |
Employment perc |
++<CostCenter> |
Cost center |
++<CostDriver> |
Cost driver |
++<ClercID> |
Clerc ID |
++<Analytics1ID> |
Analytics1ID |
++<Analytics2ID> |
Analytics2ID |
++<Analytics3ID> |
Analytics3ID |
++<AgedAbove55> |
Aged above55 |
++<AgedBelow26> |
Aged below26 |
++<EmploymentAbove100> |
Employment above100 |
++<WithoutEmployerContrib> |
Without employer contrib |
++<FirstEmployment> |
First employment |
++<ExemptEmplContribDate> |
Exempt empl contrib date |
++<ContribEmplFixedTerm> |
Contrib empl fixed term |
++<EarlyRetirementCond> |
Early retirement cond |
++<ContribExempt30Years> |
Contrib exempt30 years |
++<PPZCompanyId> |
PPZ company id |
++<PPZAccesionDate> |
PPZ accesion date |
++<PPZCancelationDate> |
PPZ cancelation date |
++<PPZFirstCalculationYear> |
PPZ first calculation year |
++<PPZFirstCalculationMonth> |
PPZ first calculation month |
++<PPZInsuranceNumber> |
PPZ insurance number |
++<PPZCalculationMethod> |
PPZ calculation method |
++<GeneralIncTaxAllow> |
General inc tax allow |
++<GeneralIncTaxAllowAmount> |
General inc tax allow amount |
++<AddIncTaxAllow> |
Add inc tax allow |
++<AddIncTaxAllowAmount> |
Add inc tax allow amount |
++<PersonalIncTaxAllowAmount> |
Personal inc tax allow amount |
++<IncTaxAmount> |
Inc tax amount |
++<ReinburGross> |
Reinbur gross |
++<ReinburHoursNum> |
Reinbur hours num |
++<ReinburHourBase> |
Reinbur hour base |
++<ReinburMonthsNum> |
Reinbur months num |
++<BankAccounts> |
Bank accounts |
++<BankAccounts> |
+++<BankAccount1> |
++++<CustomerBankCode> |
Customer bank code |
++++<Name> |
Name |
++++<Type> |
Type |
++++<Percent> |
Percent |
+++<BankAccount2> |
++++<CustomerBankCode> |
Customer bank code |
++++<Name> |
Name |
++++<Type> |
Type |
++++<Percent> |
Percent |
The output is a .xml file in which it is stated, if the method is successful or not.
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